1)The Kaaba is the qibla (direction of prayer) for Muslims and a symbol of unity in every sense. Just as Allah is One, the Quran is one, the true religion is one, the Prophet is one, and the Imam of the Time is one, so too is the Kaaba one.
When performing tawaf during Hajj, the meaning is to turn away from the multiplicity of creation and towards the unity of the Creator. Imam Sadiq was asked why the Kaaba is called the Kaaba. He replied that it has four walls and is a cube. When asked why the Kaaba has four walls, he said that it is because the Bayt al-Ma’mur (the Heavenly Kaaba, into which 70,000 angels enter every day) has four directions. To the question “Why does the Bayt al-Ma’mur have four directions?” The Imam replied that it is because the Throne of the Lord has four sides.
2)The secret behind the Throne having four sides lies in the fact that the foundation of Islam is based on four phrases: “Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar” (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest). All the beautiful names of Allah are encompassed within these four phrases. Tasbih (Subhanallah – ‘Glory be to Allah’) removes all imperfections and deficiencies from Him, Tahmid (Alhamdulillah – ‘Praise be to Allah’) praises His blessings and greatness, Tahlil (La ilaha illallah – ‘There is no god but Allah’) negates any form of polytheism or paganism, and Takbir (Allahu akbar – ‘Allah is the Greatest’) places Him above any description.
(“Ilal al-Sharai”, Volume 2, p. 398)
Just as Islam began with the Kaaba, it will also reach its fullness and conclusion near the Kaaba. The emergence of Imam Mahdi from concealment will take place in its vicinity.
Imam Sadiq (A) said, “When the Qa’im emerges from concealment, he will enter the Sacred Mosque, stand facing the qibla with his back to the Maqam (the Station of Ibrahim), perform two rak’ahs of prayer, then rise and say, ‘O people! I am the one closest to Adam! O people! I am the one closest to Ibrahim! O people! I am the one closest to Ismail! O people! I am the one closest to Muhammad!’ Then he will raise his hands to the sky and begin to recite a supplication (dua), praying so hard that he will fall on his face. This is the word of Allah, the Exalted and Holy: ‘He who responds to the distressed when they call upon Him and removes their affliction and makes them successors on the earth‘ (27:62).”
He also said, “This verse was revealed about the Qa’im of the family of Muhammad. By Allah, he is the distressed one: when he prays two rak’ahs at the Maqam and turns to Allah in supplication, Allah will answer him, remove the affliction, and make him the successor on the earth.“
(“Tafsir al-Burhan”, Volume 6, p. 32)
3)The Kaaba consists of four corners: the Rukn al-Sharqi (the eastern corner), where the Black Stone is located; the Rukn al-Iraqi (the Iraqi corner), facing towards Iraq; the Rukn al-Shami (the Syrian corner), facing towards Syria (Sham); and the Rukn al-Yamani (the Yemeni corner), facing towards Yemen. The latter is also called the Rukn al-Alawi (the corner of Ali) or the Rukn Ahl al-Bayt (the corner of the Ahl al-Bayt), because it was through this corner that the mother of Imam Ali (A) entered the Kaaba when she felt the onset of labor pains. In this corner, a crack miraculously reappears on its own, no matter how many times it is repaired, and this is clearly visible in any photo or video of the Kaaba.
In the Qur’an we read:
إِنَّ أَوَّلَ بَيْتٍ وُضِعَ لِلنَّاسِ لَلَّذِي بِبَكَّةَ مُبَارَكاً وَهُدًى لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
“The first of the House (bayt, i.e., Ahl al-Bayt), born (or placed) for mankind is the one in Bakka — blessed and a guidance for the worlds” (3:96).
This verse refers to the birth of Imam Ali (A). “Bakka” is the Kaaba, according to the narrations of the Infallibles (A). The term “awwalu baytin” (the first of the House) signifies the first of the House, i.e., Ahl al-Bayt, which is Imam Ali, the first Imam, the first of the House — blessed and a guidance for the worlds. The word “wudiʿa” can be translated as “placed” or “born.”
The Quran further states: “And whoever enters it shall be secure” (3:97). Does this mean that whoever enters the Kaaba will be safe? The Kaaba itself has been burned and destroyed multiple times throughout history. This verse signifies that whoever joins Ali (A) and enters into his wilayah (spiritual authority) will be secure from the Fire and misguidance.
4)The first Kaaba was created from crimson ruby and stood atop a radiant hill. Imam Sadiq (A) said: “The Kaaba stood on a white hill that shone like the sun and moon — until Cain killed Abel, after which it turned black” (Al-Kafi, Volume 4, p. 189).
5)Imam Kazim (A) said: “When Ibrahim (A) settled Hajar and Ismail in Mecca, bid them farewell, and turned away to return, they wept. Ibrahim asked, ‘What has made you cry? I have left you on the land most beloved to Allah, in His sanctuary.’ Hajar replied, ‘O Ibrahim! I have never seen a prophet do what you have done.’ He asked, ‘What have I done?’ She said, ‘You left a weak woman and a helpless child, who know nothing, with no helper, no water, no crops, and no animal to provide milk.’
Upon hearing her words, Ibrahim wept. He approached the door of the House of Allah, grasped the pillar of the Kaaba, and prayed: ‘My Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in a barren valley near Your Sacred House. Our Lord! Let them establish prayer, incline the hearts of people toward them, and provide them with fruits, so that they may be grateful!’ (14:37).
Allah then commanded Ibrahim to ascend Mount Abu Qubays and proclaim to all creation: ‘O assembly of beings! Allah commands you to perform Hajj to this House in sacred Mecca — as an obligation from Allah for those capable of undertaking the journey!’ Ibrahim climbed Abu Qubays and declared in a loud voice: ‘O assembly of beings! Allah commands you to perform Hajj to this House in sacred Mecca — as an obligation from Allah for those capable of undertaking the journey!’ Allah amplified Ibrahim’s voice so that it reached the East, the West, and all in between — heard by everyone destined to exist until the Day of Judgment. Thus, Hajj became obligatory for all creation, and performing Hajj in its designated days is a response to Ibrahim’s call on that day from Allah.”
(Tafsir al-Ayyashi, Volume 2, p. 232).
6)Several narrations state that even gazing at the Kaaba is an act of worship. Imam Ali (A) said: “When you perform Hajj, strive to gaze often at the House of Allah. For Allah has 120 mercies for His House: sixty for those who perform tawaf around it, forty for those who pray near it, and twenty for those who look upon it.” (Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 96, p. 59).
7)The status of the Imam (A) in this world is likened to the Kaaba, as stated in a narration from Fatimah Zahra (A): “The Imam is like the Kaaba: people come to it, not it to them.” People must revolve around the Imam of the Age just as they circumambulate the Kaaba during Hajj.
8)The Messenger of Allah (S) saw the Heavenly Kaaba during his Mi’raj (ascension).
Imam Sadiq (A) said: “When Allah, the Exalted and Holy, elevated the Prophet (PBUH) through the seven heavens, He blessed him on the first and taught him obligations on the second. Allah then lowered a veil of light containing forty types of radiance surrounding His Throne, dazzling the eyes of beholders. One was yellow, the source of all yellow; another red, the source of all red; a third white, the source of all white; and the rest from other luminous creations. The patterns on this veil were rings and chains of silver.
He was then raised to the heavens, and angels rushed to the edges of the sky, prostrated, and said: ‘Glory be to You! How similar this light is to the light of our Lord!’ Jibra’il (A) proclaimed: ‘Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!’ The gates of heaven opened, and angels gathered to greet the Prophet (S) in multitudes, saying: ‘O Muhammad! How is your brother? When you descend, convey our greetings of peace to him!’ The Prophet asked, ‘Do you know him?’ They replied, ‘How could we not know him? The covenant for him and you was taken from us, and we are bound to his Shia until the Day of Judgment. We fan (with our wings) their faces five times daily’ — meaning during prayers — ‘and we bless you and him.’”
The narration continues: “Allah elevated the Prophet (PBUH) from heaven to heaven, each time clothing him in forty new lights. In every heaven, angels greeted him and Ali (A). On the fourth heaven, the Prophet (S) asked the angels, ‘How do you know Ali (A)?’ They replied, ‘We know him and his Shia. They are a light around the Throne of Allah. In the Inhabited House (Bayt al-Ma’mur), there is a luminous tablet containing a luminous book with the names of Muhammad, Ali, Hasan, Husayn, the Imams, and their Shia until the Day of Judgment — none added or subtracted. This is our covenant, and this book is recited to us daily.’“
The Prophet (S) then said: “I was told, ‘Raise your head, O Muhammad!’ I lifted my head, and the layers of heaven split, the veils were removed, and I heard, ‘Lower your head — what do you see?’ I lowered my head and saw a House resembling your House (the Kaaba) and a sanctuary like your sanctuary (the Sacred Mosque). It was said to me, ‘O Muhammad! This is the Sanctuary, and you are the Sanctuary. For every example, there is a likeness.’ Then Allah inspired me: ‘O Muhammad! Approach the “Sad” (a spring), perform ablution, and pray to your Lord!’“
Imam Sadiq (A) added: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) approached the ‘Sad,’ a stream flowing from the right pillar of the Throne. He scooped water with his right hand, which is why ablution begins with the right hand. Allah then commanded him to wash his face, for he had beheld His Majesty. He was ordered to wash his right and left arms up to the elbows, for he delivered His message with his hands. He was to wipe his head and feet with the remaining water, for Allah blesses him and admits him where no foot has stepped before. This is the reason for wudu (ablution).“
(“Al-Kafi”, volume 3, p. 299; “Burhan”, volume 4, p. 508-510).
9)The Black Stone is a witness to the covenant oath taken by people in the world of Zarr. According to Imam Ali (A), when he was brought down with Adam from Paradise to earth, he was white, but blackened by the sins of men.
The Black Stone kissing ceremony is associated with the Ghadir festival, which follows a few days after the Hajj.
The black stone is the seal of the vilayat oath. In a hadeeth, Umar said when he kissed it that there was no benefit or harm in it. Imam Ali (A) said to him: “This stone has both harm and benefit. When the children of Adam swore allegiance to Allah, the Almighty sealed the oath, and the Black Stone swallowed it up. On the Day of Judgment, the Black Stone will indicate the loyalty or unfaithfulness of Adam’s children to their oaths. So when we touch it, we say a prayer: “O Allah! I have believed in You, in Your Book, and I am faithful to the oath”
(Manaqib, p. 494).
Imam Sadiq (A) was asked: “For what reason did Allah place the Black Stone in the corner of the Kaaba, and why do people kiss it?” He replied: “The Black Stone was a heavenly jewel taken from Paradise for Adam, and it was placed in the corner of the Kaaba as a reminder of the covenant (mīthāq). When Allah brought forth the progeny of Adam from their loins, He took their covenant at this place. People kiss it to renew this covenant and pledge. Do you not see that Muslims say when kissing it: ‘O Allah! I believe in You, in Your Book, and I am faithful to the pledge’? By Allah, none of them are faithful to the pledge except our Shia! And the Black Stone, by Allah, testifies for you, and by Allah, it testifies against them, accusing them of treachery, denial, and disbelief.” (Al-Kafi, Volume 4, p. 184).
10)Someone asked Imam Sadiq (A) about the meaning of tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba. He replied: “Allah said to the angels: ‘I will place a vicegerent on the earth.’ They said: ‘Will You place on it one who will spread corruption and shed blood?’ (2:30). Allah became angry with them, and they sought repentance. He then commanded them to perform tawaf around the enclosure, which is the Inhabited House (Bayt al-Ma’mur). They remained near it, circling it for seven years, seeking forgiveness from Allah for what they had said. He forgave them and became pleased with them. This is the origin of tawaf: Allah made the Sacred House the foundation of the Inhabited House and a place of repentance for those among Adam’s progeny who sin, and a means of purification for them.”
(Tafsir al-Ayyashi, Volume 1, p. 48).
11)Angels perform tawaf around the Heavenly Kaaba.
From Imam Ali (A), who said:
“Indeed, Allah, the Exalted and Holy, desired to create a creation with His own hand after seven thousand years of jinn and nasnas (creatures resembling humans, known in mythology as ‘titans’) had passed on the earth. The creation of Adam was according to His design. He removed the veil from the heavens and said to the angels: ‘Look at the inhabitants of the earth from among the jinn and nasnas.’ When the angels saw the corruption, bloodshed, and immorality they were committing on earth, they were astonished, angered, and grieved for the inhabitants of the earth. They could not restrain themselves and said: ‘O Allah, You are the Great, the Mighty, the Overpowering, the Vast, while this is Your weak, pitiful creation, revolving in Your grasp, living by Your provision, and enjoying Your bounty. Yet they oppose You with such great sins! Will You not be angry with them and avenge them for what You see and hear from them? We are astonished by this and consider it grave before You.’
When Allah heard this from the angels, He said: ‘I will place a vicegerent on the earth,’ who will be My proof (hujjah) on My earth over My creation.
The angels said: ‘Will You place on it one who will spread corruption and shed blood?’ — as the jinn had done — ‘and will envy and fight one another? Then make a vicegerent from among us, for we do not envy, fight, or shed blood, and we glorify and sanctify You.’
Allah replied: “I know what you do not know’ (2:30). I wish to create a creation with My own hand, and from his progeny, I will make prophets, messengers, righteous servants, and Imams who guide to the straight path. I will make them My vicegerents on My earth, restraining My creation from disobeying Me, warning them of My punishment, leading them to My obedience, and guiding them along My path. I will make them My proof, and over them, there will be an excuse and a warning. I will erase the nasnas from the face of the earth, cleanse it of them, and relocate the disobedient jinn from My creation and bounty, settling them in the elements and at the edges of the earth. They will not coexist with the progeny of this creation. I will place a barrier between them and the jinn, so they will not see them, nor be near them, nor mix with them. As for those among the progeny of this creation who disobey Me, I will settle them in the abodes of disobedience and admit them to their dwelling, and I will not be questioned”.
The angels said: ‘Our Lord! Do as You will! We know only what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise!’ (2:32).
Allah distanced them from the Throne (for what they had initially said) by a span of five hundred years and said: ‘Long for the Throne and point to it with your fingers.’ Then He looked upon them, the Exalted and Holy, and mercy descended upon them. He established for them the Inhabited House (Bayt al-Ma’mur) and said: ‘Perform tawaf around this House and call upon the Throne, and in this is My pleasure.’ They began to perform tawaf around it, and this is the House into which seventy thousand angels enter daily, never to return. Allah made the Inhabited House a place of repentance for the inhabitants of the heavens, and the Kaaba a place of repentance for the inhabitants of the earth.”*
(Tafsir al-Qummi, Volume 1, p. 52).
12. Hajj is a system of symbolic actions recreating the events related to the covenant that God made with all of humanity — first in the world of dharr (pre-existence), when Allah created people from the light of the prophets, then gathered them in rows. A caller stood at the corner (rukn) of the Kaaba, leaning against the Black Stone, and said: “Allah asks you: ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They replied: ‘Yes, we testify.’
This covenant was then reaffirmed with all the prophets in this worldly life — until the time when the Seal of the Successors, Mahdi, emerges from occultation and, leaning against the same corner of the Kaaba, will say: ‘Whoever pledges allegiance to me pledges allegiance to Allah: the hand of Allah is over their hands.’
13. The rituals of Hajj unfold at the same place where Ibrahim intended to sacrifice his son Ismail, but the Almighty replaced him with a “great sacrifice”: “We ransomed him with a great sacrifice, and We left it for later generations” (37:107-108). The ram that replaced Ismail became a symbol of the Great Sacrifice left for “later generations” — the sacrifice of Husayn (A). In a narration from Imam Reza (A), it is said that Allah, in reward for Ibrahim’s (A) grief over Husayn (A), replaced his grief over Ismail (A).
The reminder of the Great Sacrifice is enacted during Hajj through the slaughter of an animal, whose meat is distributed to the poor. Thus, Hajj is nothing but a reenactment of Ibrahim’s covenant, fulfilled through the coming of Muhammad (S) and the twelve Imams, the third of whom is Husayn (A).
Ismail, left in the desert, experienced thirst, but it was quenched by the Zamzam spring. He was to be sacrificed, but at the last moment, he was saved. However, Husayn’s (A) thirst was not quenched, and his sacrifice became real, not symbolic. The culmination of Ibrahim’s covenant was Karbala, to which Imam Husayn (A) journeyed directly from the Kaaba during the days of Hajj. Thus, Ashura is the profound meaning of Hajj. This is why many narrations state that Karbala is greater than Mecca.
14. Imam Sadiq (A) said: “The religion will remain as long as the Kaaba remains.“
(Ilal al-Sharai, p. 388).